1 cup water
4 1/2 cups bread flour
1 cup water
2 3/4 t yeast
2 t salt
3 T honey
3 T molasses
2 T room temp butter
Pre-ferment- Kind of. Note sure if a soaker counts. Mix polenta and 1 cup water, let sit at room temp overnight (accidentally let it soak from an extra 10 hours from 6 AM- noon the day later). This is the soaker.
Mixing- Combine 2 cups of the flour, the water and the yeast and let ferment 1 hour. Then add rest of flour, molasses and sugar and mix with a paddle 2 minutes, then hook 7 minutes.
Primary Ferment- 90 minutes in corner, easily doubled
Punch Down- Yes, slightly when removing from proof bowl and then again to form into pre-loaf rectangles
Dividing- Yes, into 2 equal pieces.
Rounding- none
Benching- none
Shaping/Panning- Formed each into 8 inch rectangle, then rolled into sandwich loaf and placed in loaf pans - 1 pyrex, 1 non-stick metal. Did multiple surface tension pulls, like a sleeping bag, whereas I had been doing only one previously.
Bulk Ferment- 90 minutes on island, crested slightly over the lip of the pan.
Baking- Mist tops with water, then baked in loaf pan, on sheet pan, at 350 degrees for 40 minutes, roatating halfway through.
Results: Smelled amazing during baking, was impossible to wait for it to cool. Medium tight crumb pattern, not as tight as my WW, but still in the sandwich bread style. Very soft, smushes when I cut into it. According to BBA google group, softness is typical of this pillowy bread. Excellent toasted with butter, but what isn't really. Pretty easy to make in the KA, didn't fuss over ball shapes or windowpane and it turned out fine. Other BBA google posters had problems with ball formation and falling in the oven, not sure what they did wrong...maybe overproofed?
Total time-5:45